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Zucas said:
I don't understand what a lot of the controversy is in this thread. Wii games have opened poorly before... why so much on this one. Carnival Games opened to less than 40,000 and is over 2 million. Mario and Sonic at the Olympics started at 100,000 first week and is over 5 million. Wii Play started at 480,000 and is over 16 million now. Lego Star Wars opened to 70k and is over 1.5 million now. So all of a sudden COD5 on Wii opening to 60k is a bad thing.

Point is Wii games that aren't the big hyped Nintendo franchises struggle in their first week. Why? Because the base is their to buy big Nintendo games not big 3rd party games. Or even the weaker of the Ninty franchises. They want their Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and Animal Crossing. But the base is so huge that down the line a lot of these titles, especially the mainstream brands, take off on the Wii. Look at the Maddens, Tiger Woods, FIFA, Need for Speed Prostreet, Cooking Mama, ect. All these big mainstream brands started off terribly but they persisted because the mainstream base on the Wii. What's to say COD5 is any different.

I said in my first post that it was hard to judge the hype of this game not by how much it'll sell total but by how much it'll sell in its first week. I guess in the 100k-200k range but that was off the mark. But 60k opening week is traditional for big brands on Wii and usually they don't fade away. THEY COULD but usually they don't. Hell it's probably best the game did follow trends because if it didn't who knows what it would sell.

IN the other posts I made I said although the first week is disappointing I can never tell with Wii games until a few weeks sometimes MONTHS after whether or not it'll sell well. Take Game Part... if you would have thrown that away after the first 2 weeks as a flop you'd have been washing your mouth out with soap a year later when it went platinum. I'll do the same with COD5 on Wii and if after the holidays it's in a similar situation as it is now then yea we can discuss to every end we want about how Wii multi plat games don't sell. But ya got to give it a chance. Because anyone that came in here surprised at this set themselves up for disappointment from the beginning.

Stop the drama and stop the falsehoods. Trends pointed to this happening so let's just see where it goes from here. And if it doesn't' do what the others do I"LL BE THE FIRST to point it out... trust me... I say it all the time in the individual game's page. Yea it's not going to sell anywhere near what the PS3 and 360 versions sold, even despite my LT predictions, but should we ever expect weaker games on a system that the brand isn't tied to, to do amazing.

Excellent post. I must admit I threw the word "flop" around in the OP too losely. I was just majorly disappointed in its first week sales, and it should have done better.

This game will have legs, but despite that, I doubt it will sell well. This game has to do better than COD3 (which sold 750k), but that looks to be extremely unlikely. I think we're looking at around 500k lifetime for this game, which isn't terrible, but considering the quality of the product, should be much, much more.