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Bboid said:
FishyJoe said:

This is how wrong you are:

The NPD also pointed out that multiple console ownership in the current console lifecycle is currently very low; just three percent said that they own two of the three systems (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii). Two percent said they own all three.


Thanks.  I was wrong.  Didn't realize there were that many people who didn't own more than 1 console from this gen.  Almost every person I know has a Wii and a 360 or ps3.  I'm the only person with all 3 so I dig the 2% owning all 3.  3% owning 2 systems I think is low, but I understand the article is a bit outdated.


Do you have anything on global numbers or focused at europe?



Well there you go, I didn't think it would be anywhere near that low, but I did know multi console owners are a minority and will stay that way for a long time.... hell I only own a Wii yet I am "hardcore" enough to come to a website about console sales.

Regarding Europe and worldwide, I highly doubt the figures are higher there because in general America is the most "hardcore" in that they buy more games for their consoles.