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FishyJoe said:
Bboid said:
TWRoO said:
Bboid said:

So after reading 10000 posts like this one I have a few statemnts I would like to make:


1)  No matter how you view it, there are VERY few people who own only a Wii.  It is a novel console that is fun for everyone and every person should have one in addition to a new age console (ps3/360) <- meaning I find it hard to compare Wii numbers to ps3/360

What I can be sure of is that at a minimum, 50% of current Wii owners will only own the Wii, most of those will be some of last gens GC and PS2 owners.... and I think it more likely it is nearer 70 or 80% of Wii owners are only Wii owners.


The people that own only  a Wii in "this gen" own a PS2 which is still fully supported by most developers and will eventually migrate to a 360/ps3.  Price of next gen systems is holding back a large segment of last gen owners, i mean PS2 is still moving 1 million software a week worldwide... how many of these titles are sports/interactive games that are multiplat?  How many last gen players were young and migrated to PC gaming in their maturity?  How many gamers have been sucked into the World of Warcraft blackhole of no return(since it entirely consumes all your free time).  I will admit I exagerated, but are you seriously saying 50% of Wii owners solely own a Wii (50% at minimum might I add), I really find this to be more exagerated.It's probably closer to 25-30%.

You're pulling numbers out of your ass. There is legitimate research that have studied console ownership and they show nothing like the numbers you are presenting.

Either put up or shut up. Making phoney baloney numbers up here is not welcome.


Show me the numbers and please don't be rude.


Edit:  just an fyi, only number I cited was from this weeks WW numbers.  The other is based off of personal experiece.  I have not seen a single article anywhere stating 50+% sole Wii ownership.  So you should either show me a reliable source that says that or direct your rude gesture towards the other posters.  99% of numbers on these forums are made up so dont single me out(rudely) for using personal experience from those around me.