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Gaming Discussion - Screw EA - View Post

HappySqurriel said:

I think people are so mad at EA because they're starting to come to terms with why it is (nearly) impossible for any console to come from behind to win a generation.

Generally speaking a trailing console gets far less games, a large portion of the games the trailing console gets are quick and inferior ports, and developers openly bad-mouth it as an excuse as to why their game sales didn't meet expectations.

 There is validity to what you say but I don't know that I agree that the PS3 is really that far gone right now.  I think if sales are not to a level that thoroughly beats the 360 sales by end of June next year then we are in your scenario.  But before then there are still plenty of big games to come that can revive interest.  No one game is going to do it alone it will take a chain of several games coming out that are must haves (not quite Bioshock/Prime 3/SMG level of must haves but up there....).

But I think EA laziness is in part due to what you have said..but it doesn't give them a legit excuse because the PS3 customers are still paying the same amount the 360 owners are paying so they should be able to expect the exact same quality from both versions of the game.

Imagine if the 360 or PC version of bioshock had a similarly large glitches but the other version was perfectly fine.  I doubt anyone would find that acceptable, and it is no different here.  I hope Wii and 360 owners are offended by this as much as PS3 owners are, because if they are willing to do this now you have no room to bitch down the road in 10 or 20 years when the tables are turned and your the one they are shoveling shit to with the same price tag as the gem others are buying. 

To Each Man, Responsibility