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So, if anyone can remember earlier this year Nippon Ichi had a candid interview (at E3? - cant recall) by RPGamer about business and the future. Among that NI's US representative mentioned that they were hard at work on a new PS3 game that was going to "take more advantage of the PS3 hardware". Also adding that should be revealed either later september or early October (close to Tokyo Game show).

Im just wondering happend. We're past that period by now.

And to me... all this seems quite concerning and perhaps suspicious.

you see, similiar stuff stuff has been stated by devs before... and then re-emerging to have gone a complete u-turn in terms of platform.

From observation usually this sudden lack of appearence means that Microsoft has had their hands involved. If you noticed, some important PS3 centric projects suddenly face longer delays due to change of mind or persuasion from a rivaling competitor. As demonstrated by some titles like T6, FFXIII & RE5.

Also, Microsoft is quite aggresive on the RPG market, they are going out of their way to make sure majority of the RPGs make way to their platform. Just judging by business decisions and behaviour.

Adding to the possibility is that it was mentioned that the game announcement would 'please the hardcore'. And considering thats a large part of Microsoft target group I'd imagine they wouldn't want to miss that kind of game.

Microsoft has a tradition of following all the hardcore game centered news, by having 'spies' (something Sony hasn't waked the fuck up to yet) on 'certain boards (ahem! Jeff bell) to follow up on regards to what excites gamers alike and new possibly worth paying for short/long-time exclusive deals. And the smell Im getting now... seems like it be the handywork of MS & co.

All Im just saying is that this missing announcement has all the key characteristics of a Microsoft interference.

Personally I hope it aint true, but signs show it could possibly be. Especially since Microsoft treats this game exclusive dominance as a personal matter (dont want to turn this into a hate rant, about my dislike to Shane Kim's sholving for gamers to their console for any cost) generally anything towards the competitor (Sony/PS3) as a personal matter.

But it does get you wondering... why did NIS skip that announcement?


Nippon Ichi : do the right thing . dont be a sell out.

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.