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Skeeuk said:
@squill............thats a shit read, honestly it is............ps3 is doing perfectly fiine considering the economic downturn, a 2009 price cut across the board will sell more ps3 consoles than 360, u seem to be a sales man and u would have noticed ps3 sales in 2008 it did perfectly fine. once ps3e reaches a mass market price like 360 has, i dont think mcrosoft would be able to compete............. u r amoungst the ones who kept quite during the year, and now that impulse purchasers are buying more 360 than ps3 for xmas uve decided to come out of the bike shed and try to paint doom on ps3 wen theres nothing to paint doom about anyway.


I was one of them that kept quiet also.. what did we have to say? MS was getting beat WW and it looked like the 360 was doomed to third place. We didn't make up reality and posted that the 360 domination was around the corner.

The first couple months of this year painted a real ugly picture for Microsoft. They had proved over and over again that their main goal was profitability. It was clear that MS had no issue falling to third place. The last example was the non existant price cut that should of happened with the GTA IV launch (Anyone remember those Pre-GTA MS price cut prediction threads?).

360 owners who visited this site dropped to an all time low, anti 360 threads where going up by the dozens, and PS3 owners circle jerked each other (ok maybe i'm exagerating... but not really). If MS didn't care about the 360, then why should its owners care?

But then it all changed.. at E3 Microsoft finally said what we 360 fanboys all wanted to hear - "We will Outsell the PS3"!!

And it happened, 360 sales picked up... Tales of Vesperia rallied Japan for a 6 week "woop ass"!... Europe Number increased gradually... and NA numbers took off.

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)