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bdbdbd said:
@Groucho: Let's start from character models, according to Kazunori Yamauchi, cars in GT5 are made from 200 000 polygons on average, as opposed to 4 000 in GT4.

Let's do that.  As I stated, making high poly count models is easier than low poly count, especially if you're trying to get it to look decent.  Have you ever used a 3D modeler?

And how was it, it took a week from one guy to program a car to GT4 and a month to GT5.

GT4 was a title on the heels of GT3 and GT2.  It was a revision.  GT5 is a brand new engine.  I don't feel like I need to go any further than that.

And the same goes for evinronments; the better looking evinronment, the more it cost to make.

This is really subjective.  In GT5, however, I bet its true from an art perspective.  Making a "next gen" looking terrain system on the Wii would be a technical nightmare without the hardware resources of the HD consoles... so again, expensive, although from a different side of development.

And more programmable features you have, the more expensive it is to use them.

In the sense that having a better quality game costs more than having a worse quality game, and that supports my statement.

Look, the developement costs have already gone up from last gen. Compare what the games cost to make in 2000-2003 and what they cost in 2005-2008.

Conversely, if you saw a last gen game on current HD hardware, what do suppose its budget might have been?  Last-gen-ish?  How does the Wii make last-gen budgets more cost effective?  You still haven't provided an answer.

What you were suggesting earlier, was programming a constrained system. If we go by system power in relation to available memory, 360 and PS3 seem to be more constrained than Wii in that aspect, assuming they are at least ten times as powerful as Wii.

From a processing perspective, 10x may be in the ballpark, whereas 4x is closer, from a memory perspective.  Again, a greater disparity between the Wii and its generation, than any console and its competition, from any previous generation.  Are you saying its impossible to make a good game on the Wii, or one that even remotely compares to good HD games?  I would say that SMG, and its ilk, compares, but I would argue that their budgets are also comparable.


Anyway, another thing what you said was, that the game developement on HD consoles is as cheap as it on Wii, if the games have Wiis visual quality. That's not the case with most of the HD games, atleast the ones that are supposed to sell on PS360 and the manufacturers requirements are somewhat above Wiis capabilities, so there goes that argument.

Sorry, where's your basis for this statement?  I don't really follow you.  Where can you find a game that is on par with the Wii's "average" visual quality that has appeared on the HD consoles, and not been a PSN or XBLA title?  Better yet, can you provide a fair number of such titles, so that you can make some more general statements with some foundation?