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Bboid said:

So after reading 10000 posts like this one I have a few statemnts I would like to make:


1)  No matter how you view it, there are VERY few people who own only a Wii.  It is a novel console that is fun for everyone and every person should have one in addition to a new age console (ps3/360) <- meaning I find it hard to compare Wii numbers to ps3/360

You are VERY VERY wrong there.... even if it wasn't just blindingly obvious in the first place, you can easily work it out using the simple fact that at this point in the generation, if you assume almost all gamers are PS3 and 360 owners (most of those also owning Wii) then the gaming population seems to have shrunk massively from last gen.

I have little doubt that the number of multi-console owners will increase this gen.... perhaps it will even double... but it is a tiny amount in the first place so doubling is not very much.

What I can be sure of is that at a minimum, 50% of current Wii owners will only own the Wii, most of those will be some of last gens GC and PS2 owners.... and I think it more likely it is nearer 70 or 80% of Wii owners are only Wii owners.