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@perpride - When Nintendo was in 3rd they were still making a ton of cash. Nintendo doesn't follow the 'blades and razors' model of selling consoles at a loss. They always make money. Sony on the other hand will probably end this generation in the red. If they continue with a PS4 expect a radically different approach to the business because the current model sucks. As it stands right now all the profit Sony has ever made off of PS & PS2 has been lost on PS3.

MS is also extremely deep in the red from past loses despite some small profit for the last two periods. It should end this generation in the black from 360 but probably never recover the 4 billion lost on xbox.

Therefore if Sony as an entirety starts to bleed cash, which is very likely in the current marketplace, jetising the PS division would immediately help the bottom line. Not saying it'll happen but you know they must be at least considering it should things go awry.