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No offense, Deneidez, but in another thread, you claimed you didn't know what "skinning" was... you thought it might have something to do with texturing, in a response to one of my posts.

None taken. I am always open for more information and I can say I didn't know what skinning was(If I understanded correctly what you wrote. Skinning helps with 'texture stretching' and acts like skin when animating by applying texture correctly according to bones. My engine can't even handle animation yet properly so I am not yet there. :/ Anyway skinning makes perfectly sense. Thanks...). And why would I want to check that article again? Didn't I say that some of it is bull and some I am not sure(As I am not sure how it is at all.).

Well, and I would love play around with CELL(programming that is), but its way too pricey atm.