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MikeB said:

@ Deneidez

I still can hardly imagine this email came straight from Microsoft, it's so incredibly misinformative it's mind boggling...

Just like with the PS2's Emotion Engine, with its missing L2 cache, the Cell is designed for a type of game programming that accounts for a minor percentage of processing time.

Sony's CPU is ideal for an environment where 12.5% of the work is general-purpose computing and 87.5% of the work is DSP calculations.

"Bottom line: SPUs are like most CPUs"

"Rule 1: The SPU is not a co-processor!"

"The ultimate goal: Get everything on the SPUs."

"Complex systems can go on the SPUs- Not just streaming systems -
Used for any kind of task"


If it wasn't obvious from my post, I agree with MikeB on pretty much all counts.  

That "email" is downright outrageous.. to the point of being laughable.  I am shocked that another engineer might not think so.  I will dissect it, if you guys *really* believe it it has some truth to it, but I really feel as though I shouldn't have to -- step back and think about the letter's approach a bit, and see if the picture becomes clearer.

Its a great example of exactly how this kind of misinformation causes those who know "just enough" to get really confused, and then to propagate their confused concepts with the same confusing propaganda.  MikeB does know what he's talking about.