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So after reading 10000 posts like this one I have a few statemnts I would like to make:


1)  No matter how you view it, there are VERY few people who own only a Wii.  It is a novel console that is fun for everyone and every person should have one in addition to a new age console (ps3/360) <- meaning I find it hard to compare Wii numbers to ps3/360


2)  Does it really matter who wins (ps3 vs 360)?  Neither console is a flop, both consoles are now getting support from most developers and it has become obvious both consoles are here to stay.  Most dev's can't afford to leave either console out when producing a game these days so virtually every 3rd party will be multiplat in the years to come (only exception are pc heavy titles which will be ported to the 360 and in some cases ps3).


3) it snowed last night and I fell on my ass this morning getting the paper.