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*~Onna76~* said:
Tbone said:
Great new, at first i didnt care at all about trophies but know i more interested.



Funny for me its just the other way around. I start to have less interest in trophies. I don't mind collecting them but I don't refuse not buying a game which doesn't have them so that I can brag to my PSN friends.

@Kyliedog, yeah obviously... the trophies were exactly the same as the in-game achievements no wonder why it took them so little to create the patch.

And not buying a game like Valkyria Chronicles because it doesn't have any trophies is the biggest lame excuse I've ever heard! You bought PS games for the past 23 years without any trophies and now its all of the sudden more important than how great the game is itself? Unbelievable.


qft - and slightly fixed since i have gamed longer than 14 years