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Staude said:
Squilliam said:
Smashed said:
Squilliam said:
So home goes into an open beta at the end of the year?

How exactly is a MMO type environment going to work out if users don't have either a standard keyboard or a standard microphone to communicate?

I will check it out, but im not holding my breath for anything spectacular.


Integrated keyboard? It's not like its impossible to communicate without a mic or keyboard.

Smoke signals? No seriously without Mics and/or real keyboards how exactly is it going to take off? You can type with the PS3 controller but damn its slow!



buy a usb keybord... ?or a headset ? (or bluetooth)


Ofcourse not, that would be the obvious solution !


 Relying on people to download an optional product, buy an optional accessory which isn't a practical solution for 90% of people. Im typing with a Blu Tooth keyboard on my lap, its not exactly the most ideal solution. So no, its not an obvious solution.

Without a high adoption rate -> Home is worthless to most people -> Without buying a proper communications device it isn't worth it for most people -> Without a high adoption rate -> home is worthless to most people. Do you see the circular nature of this?

MMOs only work when your friends use them, but if they are other factors preventing them from using it then adoption is even slower.
