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@ selnor

and I trust their Boffins much more than Sony or you,

It does not take a rocket scientist to understand it's a completely bogus comparison.

For example 278.4 GB/s for the 360 (of which 256 GB/s is internal Xenos bandwidth being fed data (and moved back and forth if tiling occurs) from the main RAM much slower vs the 48 GB/s for the PS3 (split up for XDR and GDDR3, which can be used simultaneously).

Now add the Cell internal memory bandwidth of 307.2 GB/s. So not taking into account technical restrictions for both platforms it's:

~355 GB/s for the PS3 and 278.4 GB/s for the 360 (BTW most modern PCs have A LOT less bandwidth using such rediculous measures). This is entirely useless though for comparison sake let me provide you one very simple example.

Let's say you have a full PC on a daughtter board capable of achieving 40 GB/s in a full PC (also 40 GB/s total memory bandwith) and would limit the communication between them to 1KB per minute. Total system bandwidth using your way of thinking results in a 80 GB/s memory bandwidth system. I used an extreme example to get the point across, at 1 KB/minute data feeds this daughter board PC is completely useless.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales