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It wasn't the supreme court it was a fed. district court, but I won't harrass you because I said appeals court in one of my earlier posts.

I'm not talking about releasing the BC, they don't need to order that if they don't want to. They could, probably should. It will probably say, printed on Nov. 12 and it won't make anybody happy and complicate the matter to ignorant racist Americans further.

"Travel/immigration records?" Really, why would an American citizen who is travelling into the country have immigration or travel records in 1961?

In a case like Obama's where if it turned out that he wasn't born here but had been documented as such and he wasn't President-elect, they wouldn't take away his status as a natural born citizen.Why would they treat Obama any different? That wouldn't be in the spirit of the law.

You seem to be missing my argument. I am not saying you are wrong, maybe Obama wasn't born here. I am saying it doesn't matter no judge will touch this, for legal and (unstated) political reasons, just like they won't touch Executive authorization of military action. There are times when the judicial branch will and times when they will not "check" because it is not necessary. Keyes is welcome to push this as much as he likes, maybe a court will hear it (probably not), but it will find in favor of Obama.

The Keyes case in CA has another issue, it's not the state courts job to balance the US constitutionality of the law. If they want to take it up, they will have to base their decision on state law or will have to make a lot of unorthodox decisions, which will make it very easy to overturn in a higher court.

Bottom line: The CA and Fed courts will not question the document and will not challenge the authority of another state. They will not make the document public, and probably won't let Keyes see it. They probably won't ask to see it themselves.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.