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this thread is about people bad days

my bad day was on thursday when my school choose to enter my class into a compition. so they split us into groups i was put with two of my mates so i thought it was going to be a great day. first in our groups we had to come up with a business. i wanted to do a strip club i kept going on and on that in the end i told mam that we were doin ga strip club so she sent me out of the class room. a little while later she came out the thing is she was wearing a sweater in the class room but now shed taken it off and was wearing quite a reveling top and she has got a massive pair but shes so old and i got hard and she noticed so she talking about cocks and asking me questions about my cock i thought this was weird but i answered the questions and was allowed to go back to my group. the cow went to the humanities staff room and was discussing my cock with other female teachers i never gave her permision to do that. now when ever a female member of staff sees me that look at the area it is hanging and she told the one i want to do as well but she said she was quite impressed so that was a posative from the day but i did get a phone call home to my mum who when i got home got my step dad to talk to me about the birds and the bees as ur parents might have called it he called it mindless sex with big ti### women it was embarrassing because my sister had her friends around they listened to it and now everyone in the school basicly knows i got hard over some 34 year old teacher i'll never live this down.

p.s my flies were undone at the time