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Flow said:
Vertigo-X said:

Good to hear that things are getting better! Hopefully you two are meant for eachother.


What I meant, though, is that there are elements of a person's past that can cause them to react a certain way to situations. For my ex, she had issues with her father leaving her, making her feel unimportant and vulnerable. There were times where I wouldn't be feeling very good and she'd misinterpret my sourness as an act like her father's. She clammed up and it took me days and even weeks to get her to open back up to me again.


I meant to simply remark that she might have issues like my ex's. She might not, though, so I could simply have misidentified it.


So, you even had the source of her problems and still parted ways? Do you think it was better than going through the storm?

And don't be ashamed to post, as you last emoticon tells :P, it's good to hear opinions.


Yeah, we still parted ways. Quite a bit of it was made worse by the fact that we both had busy schedules at college. We both agreed that we had neither the time nor energy to go through another stressful year. This had taken place last November, actually.


I have since graduated in May, and that was also one of the considerations for us. I was sure that my options for a career after graduation were slim without the aid of the Navy, so I didn't want to put her, a junior about to start her senior year, through the mess of me moving around the globe. Things would've gotten much, much worse if we were separated by distance.


I still care for her deeply, even one year after the fact. Unfortunate circumstances coupled with bad timing gave us some harsh memories, but I wouldn't trade them for the world.

The BuShA owns all!