drago on 28 March 2007
staticneuron said:
I think Home & Little Big Planet will sell systems. Free online is a plus for anyone who wants to play with people online.... period.
The question is how much they will move (you could argue that everything moves systems a little bit). Are there really so much people out there, who are waiting especially for Home and LBP to decide to buy a PS3?
staticneuron said:I own a PS3 and I do not suffer from long loading times in my games. spreading fud a little? Besides why not address what he was talking about, streaming textures? have you seen pictures and video's of the new ratchet and clank? maybe you should seek em out.
Sure will there be amazing games, damn there were amazing games on N64 (Perfect Dark) and PS2 (God of War) graphicswise. The point is, that while using the HD for streaming is not bad in itself, the fact that probably a lot of games could have avoided to use this, if the drive was faster and this is the contradiction I see. More HD for your free use would not hurt anyone, I think.
staticneuron said:MS has pretty much validated the PS3 by touting 1080p after saying it was impossible and putting HDMI on thier system after implying it wasn't needed.
Well it is not needed, but if you want it, you can get it now. And btw the games are still rendered in 720p and if reports are correct the XBox could outdo the PS3 in 1080p performance wise, but obviously the performance in absolute terms makes it not so viable to do so on both systems. If you want real High-Def you still have to turn your PC on, it seems
staticneuron said:"For things that can be made run on its architecture".... really!?! Oh crap.... someone alert the devs!!!
I am just saying that not all things can be made run on those SPE easily or even at all due to their limitations. So PS3 might beat XBox at some things and vice versa, but it is not generally superior.
staticneuron said: And sony has a stable... now cellius of first party and second party exclusives and now it seems as if there are more exclusives under wraps... E3 is going to be interesting.
Fair point. If they manage to get some killer games out in a reasonable time that could improve the situation a lot. The only thing is that good games take time to complete and to become those masterpeaces that you are hoping them to be. As of now that is clearly working in favor of XBox and Wii.
staticneuron said: If some one (namely me and people like me) wanted to have all the features of the PS3 then the 360's little by little additions really turn out to be a sore point stead of a positive one. In the end the 360 turns out to be more expensive after all the comparable features are added. If YOU want to be happy about paying more in smaller payments ( I guess it's a psychological thing) then have fun with it. I am kinda content knowing that I don't need to go out and purchase an addon to take advantage of a feature that I am interested in trying out.
Well I did not argue that I would think so, but that for your average Joe the price he has to pay to get a basic package could seal the deal (think presents, low budgets, etc.).
staticneuron said:Your rebuttals are weak and seem to be copied off of some inane anti-PS3 site which has no idea what they are talking about. Seriously, people if you are going to talk crap about a system bring up "valid" points.
Adding some insults always adds to the discussion, does it