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Oyvoyvoyv said:
Khuutra said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
tabsina said:
Anyone know how big the download file would be? (Living in Australia means limited downloads, so despite the cheap price i want to make sure i'll be able to allocate enough for it)


 Mine was 708MB (I just downloaded it).

So far, I have to say this game isn't a lot of fun. I haven't really gotten to the fighting yet though. Hopefully it improves (as right now, it's almost as big a dissapointment as Starcraft).



Take it slow. You are supposed to take in the atmosphere like long sips of cool water. If you just run around looking for things to do you're missing the point of the early game. Relax. Take it easy. It's good... just let it do what it needs to do to set up the blocks. Admire the construction.

(this is me being calm, I consider Half-Life's opening the best in pretty much any game)

I guess that this is a bit because I played it 10 years later. When a person looked at this in 98, he surely thought how amazing it looked and was impressed by the atmosphere and such, like I was with Half-Life 2.

On HL1, it just looked a bit dull, and as I cannot get any dang subtitles (is there a way to?) I had a bit of a problem understanding stuff and such.

When that reactor thingy goes off for instance, the noise was so loud, what I heard people say made no sense.


When I played Half-life in '98, it completely redefined the idea of an FPS. Story-driven, no cut-scenes, only first person, awesome graphics (that actually look ok today, compared to a lot of other 3d games released around that time)... controls smooth as I don't care to mention what, smart enemies, lip sync, alternate fire etc. Basically, Half-Life was the first modern FPS, and it completely blew my mind.

Playing it today however, I can see how you would react. If you've played Half-Life 2 you will have nothing to find here, except some really nice battles with the commandos. And those are mostly fun because of the pacing, not the awesomeness of the battles themselves. So Oyvoyvoyv, I'm sorry. You missed the awesomeness that is Half-Life, and can probably never get it back :(


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