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Woot! here's to the future of people who supported a PHYSICAL FORMAT until it was dead and switched to ALL DIGITAL because they don't like THE OTHER PHYSICAL FORMAT's creator XD

Seriously, do you think that right now, or even 2 years from now digital distribution of movies is gonna be bigger than physical??? I'm all in favor of digital (Better if i can download it and have it, not stream it only), and i think that is the future and we'll be there, but as of right now, i would like to know how is the marketshare now for physical and digital, even Blu-ray and digital... This is a long road, because DD needs bandwidth, and people like me that can afford it...

Now, before someone screams "FANBOY!!!" i have a Netflix account for PC, every time i go to the US i use it, but i also love the definition of my new Blu-Ray movies and my DVD collection...