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1) I'd kill 1 random person to save 5 random people when I had to choose between the 1 dying or the 5 dying, because it's already established that somebody has to die and I'd choose to minimize the amount of murders. But in the case of Bill I'd be going out of my way to murder 1 person to save 5 deaths that aren't murder. I don't know any of these people and I don't care about them.

2) Physically, I am not the same person. I have the same memories though. If you put my brain into 2 other bodies they would both be me, but I would not be both at once. We would not have a magic psychic connection, or one hivemind between the 2 of us. We would be different people that both shared memories up until this point in time, and then would immediately have different experiences, based on their new bodies, new locations, new jobs, and they would grow different from that point onward.

3) Yes it is a computer screen in front of me. I could be dreaming, hallucinating, or programmed or otherwise manipulated into seeing things that aren't there, but until I wake up, stop hallucinating, or get out of the Matrix, doubting all my senses at every moment would be a very inefficient way to live, and might even drive me insane. So yes, it is a computer screen because I say it is.

4) Yes I chose to read it. Social predestination would say my choice was decided in advance by my environment, upbringing, and everything that caused them. I think those influences are very important, but I don't think they invalidate free will.