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Pristine20 said:
selnor said:
Pristine20 said:
selnor said:
Holy SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

100k over PS3.


Sorry Sony fans, I will gloat no more. But that has all but nailed the lid on the coffin for 3rd place. Next week may even be as high as 140-150,000 lead over PS3. TLR comes out in Japan.


Sure it'll take 3rd place. However, R.I.P. ps3 is taking it too far. Sorry to inform you but the black box will be around.


 I didnt mean it literally. :) I just took the oppurtunity to say it. I remember all the times for the last 2 years when The silly fanboys (not you) could not fathom PS3 not outselling the 360. But well read my sig.

Fair enough. If the 360 can keep the 100k lead week after week then the 6.5mil is  completely guaranteed.


Yeah I agree. I think next week could be around 150,000 gap. TLR is released so Japan will certainly go up. And the 360 will only climb up in Others and America to week on week up to christmas. whereas it looks as though the PS3 will struggle in Others and Americas to climb as fast as the 360.

Remember the thread I made about the economic crisis this christmas and how it would affect PS3 in Others and Americas? I believe before Christmas is here the 360 may get close to a 200,000 gap on 1 or 2 weeks. If it's higher then I worry for future 3rd party releases on PS3's console. M$ would have no problem getting exclusives. Whereas Sony would really struggle. Also MGS4 port would look more like not being fantasy with a gap of nearly 7 mill. Even FF13 versus in every region but Japan on 360 wouldnt be out of reach if M$ keep killing Sony like this.