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The Wii's main competition, from the 3rd party perspective, is not the PS3 or the X360.

Until the Wii gets close to the 80-100M units sold mark, the publishers aren't going to want to make exclusive, high-budget games for it, and exclude the "other" worlds most popular console -- that's of course assuming the "other" console's sales don't pick up in some miraculous fashion.

Businessmen don't limit themselves in terms of hardware generations, and honestly they don't really have any basis to reason that, if a Wii game is written as an exclusive, it will sell a load more than a Wii/other crossplat version will, and make more profit.

Some brave publishers need to bite the bullet and exclude the "other" platform, when making a big title, and then subsequently strike it big, in order for the others to follow suit before the number of Wiis in the hands of the consumer justifies it otherwise.

Wii fans should pay attention to the Wii's marketshare relative to the PS2, not the HD consoles -- that's how the publishers still see it. Its cheap and easy to port to the Wii from the PS2, and thusfar, the sales seem to definately justify having both versions, and not just the one. Vicious circle, isn't it?