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Khuutra said:
Esa-Petteri said:

Sorry, your maelstrom memes don't work.

I say it once again. Mario kart, tp and smg sold nicely because what they are. They are the same nintendo franchices what sold well on snes,n64 and gamecube. They have nothing in common with those minigames. Except the best selling one, mario&sonic. Wonder why that is the best selling minigame collection out there. ;)

It does matter, since third parties don't have access to nintendo characters.

Just out of curiosity, can you name a minigame collection that did not sell well on wii?

The logic that these games only sell because of their brand is blow apart when you compare their sales to their Gamecube equivalents, and how they are still steaming ahead as fast as they can. If they sold on brand alone, then their sales would not much surpass those of past iterations, whereas they of course already have.

Third parties do not need access to Nintendo characters. The illusion is created by most third parties not being willing to throw their heavy weight behind the Wii - which, incidentally, is exactly what Reggie was saying.

As to minigame collections that didn't sell well? There are quite a few.

I can keep going.

Ok. Let's take a look at those 3 titles:


Mario kart:

7,91m on N64

7,81m on GC

9,62m on Wii.


Smash bros:


5,55m on N64

7,08m on GC

7,32m on Wii


Mario (main series?)


11,89m on N64

6,28m on GC

7,28m on Wii


Mario kart has done a lot better than previous iterations. Why is that? Maybe because it has "wii" on the title. ;)  Smash bros does a little better on each new iteration and mario main series has done worse than on N64.

You can always use that excuse that third parties just don't make good enough games to sell. CoD:WaW is a good wii title and look at those sales. Don't bother to make excuses why it bombed, I've read a lot of them already.


Nice, I would not have found those titles. 4 out of those 5 are out only on one region? 2 of them shows only few weeks of sales. I think those are the kind of games which could actually have legs on wii.