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Jordahn, you're fighting a lost cause. I myself, was an HD enthusiast. I had adopted HD-DVD, which was arguably the better format given the ease of printing on both sides of the disc, the relatively low cost compared to BD, and the slightly faster read speeds. But after that went under, I looked into HD streaming. And while HD streaming is not the "PINACLE BLU-RAY HD EXPERIENCE!" it is pretty darned close. Anyone in the US that has a 5mbps or higher broadband line can enjoy high definition video for just $9 a month!

Yes, there will always be those rare few that go all out on the multi-thousand dollar theaters with the absolute top of the line equipment, but now we are talking about a very select few. When it comes to the average individual, they will buy a movie, then watch it maybe 2-3 times early on, then less and less, if at all later on. When these people are given an option of unlimited streaming HD content for $9 that is basically no noticeable difference to BD for the average user, as opposed to $5 per BD rental or $25-30 per BD purchase, they will choose the streaming content. The percentage of people with internet connections rising above that 5mbps limit is quite large. Much larger than the percentage of people who can and willingly afford all the BD movies.

The main things are, BD are expensive for the average person in this economy, while HD streaming is nearly the same experience for much less. HD streaming is more convenient; it doesn't take up shelf space, is ready instantly without having to drive to the store or rental place, and can be started without swapping in and out any discs. BD peripherals are too expensive and adoption rate is slower than the original DVD adoption.

So, in conclusion, there will always be that small market that wants the best of the best, and they can and will choose BD, but for the average consumer that just wants nice HD video and stereo or 5.1 surround, they are much more likely to choose streaming. BD sales are slowing, and it is arguable that the slow economy is partially responsible for the weak future of BD. In the end, things like downloads and streaming will win out. It's the future, and it's unavoidable.