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Well, by definition of "many" it can mean dozens, or hundreds, or thousands, or millions, given the context. From my use, I would probably say thousands to hundreds of thousands, with many, many more left to jump ship as they realize that the 360 has the best games and the lowest price tag.

And unlike this generation, most Xbox owners last generation did not own a PS3 or Gamecube. Last generation, most people chose 1 and stuck with it. This generation is where most people are making decisions and deciding to go with 2 consoles. I myself have a PS360, I had a PSWii60, but since there was NOTHING to play on the Wii past the few early games, I sold it. Now, I just don't buy the PS3 games. I rent to big exclusives, but so far none of those have even lasted more than a week in my PS3. All the multi-plat games, I get the 360 version, as does the majority of HD gamers. I am looking forward to Killzone 2 to give me something good from a PS3 online multiplayer experience, and I may pick up LBP at some point when I am not being stampeded by great games for the 360.

Everyone seems to forget that this generation has only cracked about 1/3 of the total gamers from last generation. And with the new price point, the 360 is appealing to many of those that had not made the switch yet and do not want to wait for the PS3 to drop down to $200 (in another 2 years =p).