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finalsquall said:
1)Dude you scared? Anyone that remotely dislikes the Wii or challenages the Wii for that fact is an outcast.  This site has soooooo many freakin Wii fans it's beyond a joke.  Sony have stated they have a 10 year plan.  What proof is needed when they already had two consolesthat have had a long life. The ps2 is still going strong. WTF is a GC... I got one and I can't get $10au for the peice shit.
 Yes the ps1 and ps2 had different launches and so has the ps3.... And yes no console has the same future. What you will find is ps fans follow the track record for Sony and their consoles.  Sony is not concern about the race now.  They know they have the games, the product and the fan base to get them there.   The thing is... Too many Wii fans have counted the race as finished. But, it has only begun.  It should be the time for the 360 and the Wii to start to bury the ps3, because if they don't they it will be history repeating themselves.   3)Do you forget the user base of the ps2?  Even in Japan?  People are waiting for a two things- price drop and games. When that comes into play... the Wii and 360 better hold on to their crowns becuase the PS3 will be fast gaining (look at the effects of  the small interim pricedrop in the usa @$400us).  4)Everyone is already saying in 2008 is Sony's yr and that it will pass the 360.    I know why ppl put the hate on Sony and the ps3. Because they know it's potential and ppl know Sony can deliever. Enuf Said!


1) He didn't say anything about "challenging the Wii," I love how the Sony fanboy's counter to everything is that someone MUST be a Wii fanboy! Nice GC trolling too.

2) Are you COMPLETELY out of touch with reality? Sony is a BUSINESS. They need MONEY to to stay afloat, of course they're concerned about the race. Last place is giving them the least amount of profits.

3) You're under some kind of sad delusion that Japan is sitting on their asses "waiting" for the PS3 to drop in price because they're these diehard Sony loyalists. NEWSFLASH: People go where the games are. Developers make games where the people go. If PS3 is not the place getting the games people are going to buy, they're not going to keep sitting on their asses until something associated with the Sony brand does come along. They're going to buy the console that's getting the games. This is how Sony stole the market in the first place, and this is exactly how they're losing it this gen.

4) So it's wrong for people to say that Wii won the war but it's okay for you and "other people" to say that 2008 is Sony's year? At least you can argue sales trends, but what the hell makes 2008 Sony's year? I can only think of 2 major games slated for 2008 that people keep hyping (MGS4/FFXIII) and that's hardly anything to bank on.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"