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Well Groucho,i was trying to tell you this:

The Graphics chip in 360 provided by ATI is a custom built chip that on whole is more powerful then the PS3 Nvidia chip. It is capable of more complex shaders and is also set up so that it can take advantage of DX10 features which the PS3 is not able to do.

Also regardless of the cells processing power, the PS3's bandwidth holds the system back. For exdample even though the Ps3 can acces memory simultaneously with CPU and GPU at the same time it is significantly slower at doing so than the 360. In the time it takes PS3 CPU and GPU to acces memory once each at the same time, the 360 cpu can access twice and GPU 3 times or vice versa. Even though the 360 has to do it in turn! So thats 2 read and writes to memory for PS3 (1 cpu and 1gpu) and 5 read and writes for 360 (2 cpu and 3 gpu or vice versa) in the same time frame. The bandwidth numbers are available so you can do the math.

It's a major issue, considering that any info the CPU proccesses HAS to come from the memory first. Hence PS3 cell is limited.

So is the 360 more powerfull at GAMES than the ps3? Is the 2`nd core activated yet (and what`s it for ->AI,physics?) ?