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First let me give some background information for myself. This is my first post on this website. I am old enough that I purchased a brand new original Nintendo Entertainment System when it was first released. I have been playing video games for more than 20 years. I have played and owned nearly every game system released in the United States. I have also played every type of game that you can think of.

My opinions about what is being discussed in this post and in general are as follows:

Sony's first party games have always sucked ass. I have never been excited over anything first party from Sony. I owned an original PS and I bought a PS2 on day 1. The games I played were always second or third party games.

Nintendo has always had awesome first party games. I did not like 100% of them, but nobody likes 100% of anything.

Sony has always hurt themselves by putting too much time, money and effort into their own proprietary formats that ended up failing big time. These include beta video format, minidisks, UMD, and soon to be Bluray, along with many others.

The main problem with the PS3 is the price, PERIOD. The success of a video game console does not rest on the shoulders of the 0.5% of the population that are considered hardcore gamers. This includes me in my younger days. These days I mostly play PC games and only currently own a PS2 that I never play. No system in history that was this expensive compared to the other systems available have ever done well. Releasing a system for $600 will limit who buys that sytem a great deal. Hardcore gaming 16 years old that have no bills will buy it. Parents and people with bills will NOT.

The golden age of video games is long gone. Today the market is flooded with complete crap games that look pretty. Sony and Microsoft are putting all their stock into making the hardware better to make the games look better. Too bad they are putting 0 time into actually making new, innovative good games. Nintendo is doing like they have always done. They are trying new things and trying to make fun games. Graphics are NOT the most important aspect of a game. I will take crappy graphics in a good game over awesome graphics in a crappy game any day.

 I am pleased with the way this generation is progressing. Nintendo is dominating again and Sony is doing everything just plain wrong. Not to mention that Microsoft is selling an overpriced paperweight due to the huge failure rate of the 360.

The reason I don't have any of the current systems is simple. I have been playing games for 20 years+ and these days there is nothing new at all. All of the companies are making sequel after sequel of the same old crap and idiots keep buying it. If most of you were old enough to even drink or vote then you would know that. If you are under the age of 21 you should not even be talking on the internet at all. When I decide to have kids, which is unlikely because I hate them, they won't be doing anything on the net besides homework until they leave for college. The opinions of children that don't have their own money are worthless.

I will eventually buy both the Wii and DS when I actually have the time to play them. I will buy them because I have been a Nintendo supporter their entire history and they actually make good games and new innovations. Not to mention that no game system is worth more than $300 to begin with. There are many other things I would rather spend $500-600 on.

I really hope that Nintendo destroys both Microsoft and Sony once and for all in the video game market. Neither should have ever been there to begin with, especially Microsoft. They are just 2 greedy corporations trying to take over as many different markets as possible. The funny thing is both companies are currently losing billions and Nintendo is raking in the money with 0 losses and all profit.