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The holiday season shopping is starting to pick-up, and people are going to look LONG and HARD at the $199 pricec point and look to go with the 360, even over the Wii imho. Is the 360 going to top the Wii....not very likely, but it's going to rob a few sales, but it's really the PS3 that's going to take the brunt. The PS3 isn't selling bad, and compared to last year, it's doing better, so from a financial standpoint, Sony might hold pat and save the price cuts until next year, when they get production cost down...but of course it might a little too late to really move ahead in terms of catching 360 and Wii. The ultimate goal is to make money, not some bragging fest.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder