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selnor said:
Jordahn said:

Selnor, you're sad, real sad, and I'll tell you why.  You might coincedently be correct in regards to future Blu-ray sales, but all of your reasons are either false, antedotal, and or pure subjective.  That's been pointed out, and you have had no valid rebuttal against it.  And it's a fact that the music (audio) industry is different from the movie (audio/video) so your reasoning does NOT apply there.  What you are trying to accomplish is to force you view as fact just because it favors the 360 and it works against the PS3.  I favor the Wii, and it doesn't bother me for others to favor something else because I respect them as a gamer.  But to see things so narrowly for a personal petty agenda to deny yourself and others what could be great... (sigh) What more reasoning can I say because it eludes you...


 Do you know I really should write the same thing back at you. You disregard the Music analogy becuase it only favours one side. When there are hard factual figures for Bluray sales against HD movie downloads and streams I'll bring this up with you again. But I cannot talk to someone who will twist the arguement to suit there dying need for Sony's BLU RAY to win acceptance. All I can say is I'm glad I had future outlook and did not adopt at these crazy prices.


That's what you think.  But if you didn't notice, I never said that streaming movies was a bad idea.  But you're stating that there is no need to buy movies on an optical format over streaming because of its cost, ignoring the obvious benefits you CANNOT get from streaming at the moment while I also stated that BOTH industries (like most) will improve.  And how can I disregard the music analogy when it doesn't apply because I substancially showed that you used it as a bad comparison by me contrasting it to the movie industry?  I can use your narrowmined logic and say the same for you in regards to you disregarding my valid point on how the music and movie industry are different enough where your reasoning doesn't apply.  Hypocricy on your part.  And about a future outlook as I stated earlier, I mentioned VHS and DVD have improved in many way while those ways can also be and has been applied to Blu-ray as well.  And again, I applied that to the broadband industry.  But like I said earlier, " see things so narrowly for a personal petty agenda to deny yourself and others what could be great."  Your denial of the broad picture and willingly ignorance of anything outside of your preferences exposes your rabid fanboy toned skin.

EDIT: And for the record, Blu-ray is the accepted choice for "Full" HD viewing.  Go to any reputable a/v source such as Home Theather and Sound & Vision who primarily specialized in a/v and not video games.  I really I'm sorry you are denying yourself by non legit means.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.