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PSwii60 said:
SmokedHostage said:
Star Scream said:
SmokedHostage said:
bdbdbd said:
There are a number of reasons why PSP didn't succeed any better. It's impractical for being big and bulky, it takes too much time to load a game, the games library is too much of a home console library to begin with, DS library is so much better for basically anyone and the system is bought in many cases for other use than playing PSP games, which, along with relatively costly developement, turns off publishers.

@Smokedhostage: For 3rd parties game sales equal profit. No profit equal no games. No games equal no hardware sales.

With this said, I guess the PSP is just doomed. ;_;  Oh well. *Plays his DS*

Yeah, on its way to outsell SNES (and possibly NES) and yet 'doomed'. Your bias is showing, my friend.

I believe it is.. it's just what bdbdbd says makes me feel that there's no hope for it.



 Besides, I do not think it is fair to compare earlier generations of console to current gaming system(s) now considering the market (economy, $ value, etc) is completely different... Number-wise, though... I guess you can say impressive (being onpar w/ SNES)  But with standards nowadays, well... it's only decent.



   First, it's not on par with SNES, it will outsell it comfortably. Second, if PSP HW numbers are merely 'decent', what do you make of XBOX360 or PS3 sales?