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masschamber said:
Sqrl said:

People who hate this game fall into at least one of five categories without fail, and typically they fall into more than one:

1) Never played it.
2) Only played the demo.
3) Never played above normal difficulty.
4) Terrible at shooters and got frustrated, thus its the game's fault (not them of course).
5) Was never ever to reach and/or beat a finale.


The folks I've met who don't fall into any of these categories, but still don't personally like the game, are at least able to recognize why others do like it and are also able to see why it is regarded so highly...even if its not their style of game.


Why release a demo if it isn't a gauge of the whole game, isn't that the point of a demo?  I played it on normal and hard and didn't like either both alone and co-op

  Should I have bought Too Human anyway even though I didn't like the demo? or what about army of 2, or lost planet, or any other game I've played a demo of, didn't like much or at all then paid full price anyway saying

So people can't dislike a game until they've beaten it, on the hardest difficulty, and they had to pay full price?

  Frankly it seems there are more people that can't accept that some people just don't like Left4dead or think it is worth full price than people that think others aren't allowed to like it , when it is 20 dollars or so I might pick it up but the demo made the game out to me not to be worth the full price

Actually, demos rarely deliver what the game is.  I hate demos because more often than not they make me not want a game than want to buy the game.