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o.o ohrly?! ohnoez!...

sadly..I'll have to disagree..
hmm..but it won't help:
go play both and then tell me what's what
there are a ton of reasons why I dislike UNS, but that's not the point

as a's rediculously simple..thus why I said: as a fighter CV will porbably own UNS

because UNS is also full 3D

I never said you HAVE to love CV more than UNS..

UNS has the circle button..and that's where it ends..shuriken? keep'll miss..other throwing weapons? everyone has them

everyone plays the same and feels the same....maybe it's a good time to tell you, but: I actually have played UNS ^^''
in case you didn't know I'm a Naruto fan..(that's where the other dislikes come from)

but that aside..CV has heavy and weak attacks, shield breakers, and long range moves..wich gives more variety

the stages are more intense in CV, wich means more thinking instead of randomly tapping circle

and on top of that, he differences in combos and characters is HUGE compared to UNS

everyone is pretty much the same in real difference..even Smash Bros has more depth..I'm afraid