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I'm enjoying the interface so far.

With a quick installation, things started out pretty good. It froze up once during installation, no biggie.

The menu screen I thought was great (or perhaps just relative to the blades before it), it felt exactly like Sony's XMB had been flipped to its side. I still don't think it's as intuitive as the XMB nor as thorough with what you can do, but overall, I was very very pleased.

The avatars were ok. My girlfriend and I had a bit of fun creating me, but it pretty much ended after that. I didn't care for it much on the Wii, I don't care for it much now. Although I must say, that the mii's seemed much more customizable to me on the Wii than on the 360.

I am loving the installations, though. I've only tested one game, Lost Odyssey, and it works fantastic. The game was nearly unplayable before with it's ridiculous loading times, but I'm starting to get back into it as its loading times have been greatly reduced.

Netflix - I live in Canada, so this is useless to me. I'm obsessed with blu-ray now though so I'm not sure how much attention I'd even pay.

Overall, I couldn't really ask for much more. They took a very flawed interface and drastically changed it so that it feels like both the PS3 and the Wii's interface. I mean that in the best way. It's great. Plus they added the extra, and awesome, bonus of installing games.