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Gnizmo said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:


the update is way better than the old mediocre crap, do you try to say different, because I'm drunk but know more than you sober, if you think those blades are better than the new crap. They might be more familiar, but the new update is an update in every way, the blades are worse and that's not an opinion, it's a fact. You know who thinks the blades are better? PS3 fanboys in disguise.

 Considering the new layout is very similar to the XMB, I would say PS3 fanbioy in disguise would defend this change. The blades were better in every way, but I can live with the new layout. The only problem is the new layout is ugly as sin. It is painful for me to look at something so hideous for logn enough to accomplish anything.

Have you tried different themes? I chose 'Night', I thought it looked cool.


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