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I simply don't get it. Every time there's a new release, I see all these threads in all different forums stating "This is the best game ever" or this game is 10/10, or worst yet, this is GOING to be the best game ever again and again.. and it just seems ridiculous to me.

Yeah sure, Valkyria Chronicles is good (in fact its tremendous), Gears 2 is extremely technically sound, Killzone 2 has possibly the best graphics of a shooter in a console, etc. etc. but aren't people being driven too much by hype and fanboyism in these things?

Fact #1 that I want to establish before I go into these rants: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A 10/10 GAME. (edit) because 10 implies gaming perfection, and there's no such thing as a perfect game. Every game has it's flaws. (edit) aside from that, slapping a 10 on a game means that "there can be no game better than this". It destroys all room for improvement, and that is totally ridiculous. THERE IS ALWAYS ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT.

Fact #2 is more complicated, and is more annoying to me: YOU CAN'T SAY GAME OF THE CENTURY WITHOUT EVER PLAYING THE FINAL ITERATION.

Fact #3 is the most common mistake of fanboys: YOU CAN'T PREDICT THE FREAKING FUTURE.



1.) The most annoying thing really is touting "best game ever" based on a demo or a cutscene. Final Fantasy 13 doesn't even have any gameplay footage yet and people are already saying it's the best game ever. Come on? People are also playing the demo of Killzone 2 and already saying it's the best game ever.. worse yet, people who have only watched the demos are jumping on the bandwagon on pure speculation. It just doesn't make any sense.

2.) For games like Gears 2 and Grand Theft Auto 4, though they are indeed spectacular incarnations, people can't seem to get over the fact that these games: A.) didn't really improve all that much on their predecessors, and B.) have many technical flaws that make it incredulous for them to be touted as "10". How can someone honestly give GTA4 a 10, when it has so many flaws, a fouled up online game system, and gets boring quite quickly?

3.) Metal Gear Solid 4 is great. Yes. But it is not a freaking cyborg of a game that blows the competition out of the water completely, even including FUTURE competition. Fact is, it has it's flaws and they are pretty large and long [cutscenes]. I am annoyed every time I see these tags that say "MGS4 is the BEST GAME THIS GENERATION". Seriously mate, how do you freaking know what the generation will come up with in 5 years? You're really saying that there can no longer be any game better than MGS4? Ridiculous.

4.) There are games like Valkyria Chronicles, Dead Space, and Left4Dead that are also getting these fanboy "Game of the century" honors. Yes, these games are really good, but isn't such praise exaggeration, considering that the publishers and developers themselves don't even feel the need to spend the same advertising money compared to real AAA titles. Sure, they could be sleeper hits. I'm the first to admit that Ico was under everyone's radar despite it being great. But when people mention every single "good" game to be running for 10/10, it becomes stupid.

5.) There are obscure titles to be released in the future like Alan Wake, Heavy Rain, and InFamous also being tossed around the mix as well. Question: how the hell can people even say they're going to be "the best game ever" when these new IP's: A.) don't have any hands on play with anyone yet, and B.) don't have a basis for comparison? Sure, I can forgive an idea like "GOD OF WAR 3 will be totally BADASS" because 1 and 2 were totally badass. But these are new, unproven IP's that do not yet deserve "game of the century" recognition. Doing this is like blowing a hot air balloon using your mouth.

6.) And lastly, might I direct your attention to possibly the worst offenders of all:

Guy A: Resistance 2 IS THE BEST man!

Guy B: Gears 2 IS GAME OF THE YEAR man!

Guy C: er., guys, do you even own those games?

Guy A and B: .... No.

Guy C: then why the hell are you talking about them?

Guy A and B: well, some guys on the internet are saying they're cool.

Guy C: *facepalm* do you guys even own a 360 or a PS3?

Guy A and B: .... No.

COME ON! This is by far the stupidest thing ever. Unforgivable nonsense.


So basically, I'm annoyed by people who have no business hyping stuff to be overhyping stuff. People who haven't even played the game aren't allowed to say anything about that game. People who don't even own the damn console or can't say a damn thing about it's games.