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Ail said:

There is a lot of wishfull thinking in this thread.

What most people don't get ( or don't want to get as they idealize gaming development) is that as the gaming industry has become bigger it's becoming like every other market in this capitalistic society ( wether you like it or not, that's the way it works).

The market is becoming divided between a few big players and one of their key focus is flexing their money muscles by making sure that a tonn of newcomers can't join the party and start competing with them.

That means making game development somewhat expensive.

This is a model they have been unable to apply to the Wii so far as expensive usually ends up being translated as better graphics, bigger world size, more cpu intensive, which is the area where the Wii compares badly to the HD consoles...

All these companies interest ( EA, Activision, Ubisoft, Square, Capcom) is that there are only a few of them on the markets so that they each can release a few blockbusters without too much competition...

The more successfull they are following this model, the less likely they are to experiment with the Wii too (the 2 most successfull this gen being Activision and Ubisoft so far in term of profit).


Seriously if I was a big developer I woundn't even port to the Wii my big franchises that are graphics intensive as we are at the point where the gamers that like those franchises have bought a HD console or are considering doing it anyway, independantly of wether they own a Wii too or not..


 Actually thats the problem, Nintendo already knew this before, but 3rd parties didnt heer the warnings. Gamers dont care about a game being graphically extensive anymore, it already shows on sales and being mature games  only caters to one group of audience. Making it online makes it worse because gamers only play that game not want to play anything else till some new game came along. I've read a post that someone plays 4-6 hours a day, some are to extent till 8 hours. And thats the Wii version of COD: WAW what more with the PS360 version? The large install base proves that MS and SONY is in rickety slopes right now, its not that the games in PS360 versions sells on broad audience why it became always a million seller, it sells because it sells only in one group of people, same audience. What will happen if that group of people dont add up?

MS and SONY wants to fix this problem like Lips, Seen you at the Movies and LBP but it didnt do anything. Most of the gamers that plays the Ps360 are always play the same genres(shooters, RPGs,FPS, action games) the games are becoming fewer and fewer and the variety was shrinking. Most third parties are doing iterrations after itterations. And guess what? Ninty dont care about that, Wii can sell for itself and not because of the so called AAA games made by third parties, its not Nintendo needs third parties, third parties needs Nintendo and it seem they missed the boat. YEAH, even for a port COD: WAW was good even for the Wii, but sadly its not that kind of games that Wii is focused anymore. Not that Wii dont need core games, its that Wii dont need plenty of shooters and mature games. If Activision could create a game that can cater to hardcore and the casual and not the usual wii sports rip off crap. But seem Activision cant do that.

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out