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Numbers for the Week ending the 15th of November 2008 are up, including all adjustments this time :)

This week Wii gained .109% marketshare, and it would at this pace take 28 week (again!) for it to reach 50% marketshare.

Including adjustments, the Wii has gained a total of 691,796 units during the last 4 weeks, putting the avarage (including adjustments) at 172,949 units per week. This would put the wii on track to overtake the PS360 combined in 19 more weeks.

Naturally, this number is very skewed since the Wii has not outsold the PS360 by that much since I started measuring.

In terms of marketshare percentage, the Wii has gained a total of 0.617%

I'll put all of this up in a spreadsheet soon, so calculations will go a lot easier. For now, I do it all by hand, and hence I tend to be lazy and only do the simple calculations. When I've done the spreadsheet I'll give a picture of how it would look without adjustments.

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