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Legend11 said:
ItsaMii said:
Anyone really misses the support from the 3rd parties that "don`t get it"? They are Ubisoft, SE, THQ, Konami, Activision, EA. Most of their "AAA" franchises are not really worth playing. The only ones that could really help the Wii library are Namco and Capcom. But they are too busy working on crap that no one cares about or interesting games that will sell like shit (Bionic Commando, Eternal Sonata, Dead Rising CTYD, Tales of Vesperia).

The biggest difference between the HD fanboy and Wii fanboy is that the Wii one is more honest. He is not happy with the 3rd party support on the Wii, but that doesn`t mean that he would like the HD games to take its place. He refuses to pay more for less. The HD fanboys love to talk about the "AAA" exclusives, Metacritic average, next gen graphics and all sort of PR memes their limited intelect can grasp. The truth is that they keep getting inferior versions of best selling PS2 franchises with shorter campaigns and multiplayer features tacked on, not to mention that the games cost more and have bigger release gaps. Did I also mention that they suck compared to the older games?


Intellect is spelled with two l's...  Also I feel that the games released for the HD consoles this generation are on average pretty good compared to the last generation.  I mean games like Call of Duty 4, Metal Gear Solid 4, Bioshock, and others are very solid titles.

That explain why I didnt find any mistakes when I googled for the term. "Intelect" is used like a trademark, like NPD Intelect or the Intelect magazine. Intellect is the correct word in this case. To think that even a word spelled wrong is a valid word. Also, I am glad to see you are not making the same basic grammar mistakes. For someone that live in a english speaking country that would be embarassing.

If you can only come up with 3 games as counter argument, I don`t think you have a good argument in the first place. One of them is a new IP, not really part of any series. I can think of dozens of series that degenerated on the (fake) HD consoles. Silent Hill Homecoming (the worst in the series if you ignore the PSP version), Devil May Cry 4 (easier, shorter and crappier), Need for Speed series (it sucked on the PS2, now it can hardly sell enough units) GTA 4, Soul Calibur 4 (fans consider it the weakest SC), Bomberman Act Zero (the worst Bomberman game ever), Turok (the series are getting worse and worse), Pro Evolution Soccer (every new version, we get less polishment, more bugs, lazy design, reused models).  Also, how can you list MGS 4 if you didn`t play it or their prequels? It is the worst selling in the series so far and it may have a development budget bigger than all of the other MGS combined. Unless you played all of the MGS games, you can`t really tell me it improved on quality and gameplay.

Looking at it from a 3rd party perspective is also not good. Take 2/Rockstar now has Bioshock and GTA 4, last gen they had Max Payne, 3 different GTAs, The Bully (not a crappy port), 2 Manhunts, The Warriors (great classic). Capcom has Dead Rising (subpar franchise), Lost Planet (shitty game), SF 4 and RE on the way. Last gen they had 4 Onimushas (all excellent games), 2 Viewtiful Joes, Okami, RE 4, REmake, RE 0, RE Code Veronica, minor RE titles (Outbreak 1 and 2, Survivor), Haunting Grounds and dozens of others that are good but not great (Devil Kings, God Hand, SF spinofss, Killer 7, Shadow of Rome, Clock Tower 3). konami is only making some rushed yearly editions of Winning Eleven (Pro Evo), SH Homecoming sucked, MGS 4 had good reviews and ok sales, there is also a Castlevania title coming. Last gen they had 2 3D Castlevanias (shitty games, but 2 shitty games are better than 1), 2 Zone of Enders (great games with average sales), 3 Sillent Hills, 2 Metal Gears and remake for the GC (developed by SK), a lot of other mediocre games like Contra, Gradius, DDR. SK shifted from being the universally aclaimed Eternal Darkness developer to the guys who made the crappy ill-conceived Too Human. SE so far made the floppy and poorly reviewed Infinite Undiscovery, published a crappy Xbox 360 exclusive that flopped, promised Star Ocean 4, FF 13 + spin offs and 2 new IPs that no one really cares about. Last gen they made 3 main FFs (FF 11 making it to this gen), FF X-2, FF 7 DoC (awful game), FFCC, 2 Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean 3, DQ 8 and 2 Japan only remakes and dozens of other games that are bad or didn`t sell enough to be relevant (3 Full Metal Alchemist, Drakengard, The Bouncer, Saga game, Mana game). Nippon Ichi released 2 or 3 games every year on the PS2, now they only made Disgaea 3 and it is the worst selling in the series. Namco released Eternal Sonata (big flop on both platforms), SC 4, Ace Cobat 6, a Katamari game, Time Crisis 4 (big flop), a new Japan only IP - Idol Master, has Tekken on the way and made a new Tales game (the most expensive Tales ever) that couldn`t even outsell the low quality PSP spin. Last gen we had 3 main Tales games (one was really poor) and several spin offs and remakes (Tales of Fandon and such), 2 Tekkens, 2 Katamaris, 2 Soul Calibur games (one of them with a exclusive character for each console, 3), 3 Ace Combats, 2 Baten Kaitos, Klonoa 2 (a great game). Tecmo almost had to get out of the business for focusing on HD development (2 Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden 2 and the remake Ninja Gaiden Sigma). Last gen they had NG and its improved version, the crappy Dead or Alive games (4), 3 Fatal Frames (amazing games). Ubisoft is making a lot of money (especially on the DS), but their games never sucked so much. They have 4 Tom Clancy games, AC (shitty game), Farcry 2 (sure the PC game was not a big deal, but this one sucks more), a PoP and BGE 2 on the way. Last gen they had 3 PoP, Beyong Good and Evil, 2 Rayman, more than 10 Tom Clancy game, they also published XIII (solid FPS). Activision is making money and I am too lazy to list all their releases. Even so, they are canceling promising games like Brutal Legends and Ghostbuster. Guitar Hero was a nice idea on the PS2, now it is just this generation Tony Hawk (milk it until no one care about it anymore).

Summing up. We get less games, they sell less, they cost more, they take a lot more time to be released and their quality is lower than in the PS2 era. If you think the 3 games you mentioned are worth that loss, then I have nothing else to say.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."