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Nintendo will be King for sure now, but the question is, what's going to happen to Nintendo in the years to come (2008 and more).

Now i will always be a Nintendo fanboy, no matter what they do, but it's time to realize that Nintendo isn't doing what i hoped. They aren't trying to simply expand the market, they are changing the market. They aren't going half and half with casual and hardcore/traditional games. They are focusing on the casual market. I don't care much for third parties on Nintendo systems, save a few. The best games on Nintendo systems are Nintendo games. And so now i am worried about the future of Wii and for the first time, Nintendo.

This year, this 2007 will be perhaps the greatest year for the Nintendo fans/hardcore/traditionals. Metroid, Galaxy, and Brawl are the games we are waiting for, the games we would accept as hardcore. But what after that? Mario Kart? I'm starting to fear now, that Mario Kart Wii will be targeted to more of the casuals than previous Kart games. And if online is the way it is on DS then it will simply not be appealing and it won't prove to me that Nintendo even cares anymore. Sorry Reggie, but you haven't proven that Nintendo is serious about online. So i fear for Brawl, not that it won't be a good game, but for Online. it is the game that will "make or break online games for the Wii and Nintendo". If Brawl is casualized in that aspect i can't put complete trust in Nintendo.

The biggest concern i have now is the future, Nintendo's new IP's and its remade classics. Will they too be casualized? What do i have to look forward to? Will Nintendo focus on both the hardcore and casuals? I hope so. I hope that not all new IP's will be casual titles. I hope that Retro and NST and Monolith won't be put to casual games. I hope that if/when they redo Kid Icarus it won't be casualized (it's a story about an angel going into an underworld of demons to fight and save a goddess it better not be casualized). I hope that Nintendo doesn't just focus on the casuals or just the hardcore. I hope they focus on both.

I hope i'll see the day when the "perfect" video game system is Nintendo's and that it truly caters to the hardcore as well as the casuals. But that's all i can do, hope. I can't have faith in Nintendo, at least not anymore. I mean i can't blame them. They're a company looking out for what's best for them. And as huiman beings we shoudn't have faith in risk taking industries. They aren't some kind of Messiah.


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