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lol...I never talked about looks, since SC2 is dated..doesn't mean it's not fun

and me CV:Judgment will be alot more fun than SC2

not that SC2 is bad in any way...I really love SC2 and is my most played SC game..since that's where I played SC the first time (besides Soul Edge on an old arcade machine)

but still, I'm totally in love with Castlevania since Aria of Sorrow, loved Kojima's art(the artist for Aria and some previous games)

loved the DS games..but mostly for gameplay as DoS brought nothing new to the story..and the art was bland..same for PoR except that they configured the timeline in CV games

Order of Ecclesia is AWESOME..some original CV gameplay and some Metroidvania gameplay...the mix is fantastic..the art is also ten times better

and of all the art, I have to say I love Obata's work here most..

and lol..sorry I love this game to death ^_^ it's exactly what I wanted..minus Soma..


SC started bleeding since 3..(only focused on graphical growth) and SC4 killed it for me..seriously..Star Wars?!?!