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Phoenix_Wiight said:

its not random website hate. late me just take gamespot for example.

Mario Galaxy- 9.5 - great.

Twilight Princess- 8.8 - uhh...

Metroid Prime 3 - 8.5 - uhhhh....

Mario Kart Wii- 8.5 - ok, this is ridiculous

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - 6.0 - ok, wtf?

Wario Land: Shake it- 7.5 - ....

I have to leave soon, but I'm going to make a thread with this later... but let me just say this.

If TP, MP3, MKWii, etc etc were on any other console, they would get higher ratings. Its biased. You can't tell me that Bioshock was better than TP, MP3 or MKWii, cause it wasn't. You can't tell me GTAIV was one of the most amazing games ever and was a 10/10, cause it wasn't. Fire Emblem, they gave that a 6, and they gave the one before than at 8.5. I find it funny because every Fire Emblem fan thought that game was better in every single aspect, as did I, and should of ATLEAST got a 9.0/10.0



 I have at one point owned all those games and have few problems with the review scores provided. Twilight Princess was not a spectacular experience, and was at best mediocre for the series. After being so hyped I can understand that review. Metroid Prime 3 is probably high in my opinion, but I have ranted about that game enough times. Wario Land: Shake It just wasn't that good. I wanted to love that game so badly it hurts. Wario is one of my favorite characters ever, and 2D platformers are one of my favorite genres. The final product was just mediocre though.

 Fire Emblem, and Mario Kart Wii got scored you should expect. Fire Emblem is in a genre that never scores well, and is ridiculously hard core. It probably should have gotten a bit higher but most of its low score has nothing to do with the platform it is on. Mario Kart Wii is don e in a style that always gets lower scores. The game has a relatively harsh learning curve masked by random items to make it seem like you are playing better than you are. This is more common on the Wii due to Nintendo implemnting the system into many of their games (and I love them for it).

 You need to step back and look at this more objectively. You see some Wii games getting lower scores than they should and immediatly conclude it is a conspiracy against the Wii. Fact of the matter is those games all got rated lower because of factors entirely unrelated to the system it was released on. The only one that might have come close to being an issue with was perhaps Twilight Priness, but it always seemed to me the reviewer (rightfully) saw it as the last game of the Gamecube rather than a launch game for the Wii and rated it accordingly.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229