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johnsobas said: great kwaad is back with his brilliant posts again. As usual completely ignoring all the facts thrown at him in the post before like the quote by president of ubisoft praising wii for low development costs, and then the fact that Red Steel 2 started development immediately after the first one.
You my friend are a troll. shams - great post, and it makes sense. However my point is... a N64 game can cost 25million. Let's just look at movies as a great example. Some movies cost 250million to make... (lord of the rings trilogies) Some movies cost under 1,000$ to make. (Evil Dead) I feel the most expensive part on a game is the graphics. I have always felt that way. My point on a PS3/360 can brute force it. Is, today's "next-gen" Stuff is basically last gen stuff running higher quality models. An example of a easy trick. Take about 20 pictures of a standing mesa. (from around it) Model a *very* basic 3D cone. Clip photo's to fit 3D cone. Run bump-mapping optimizations. You have a 'next-gen' style object. To do it on the PS2/x-box/GC/Wii You would be forced to hand model the cone to be more shaped like the mesa would be, as the textures dont carry the detail to make it look like it should, so you end up useing generic textures over specific modeled object. That is one of the few examples where next gen is cheaper than last gen. 6 years ago with modern tech, I would build a Doom3 mod of my living room. All the walls would be flat, basic cube room. Great textures, it would look like everything was 3D... but nothing would be. All textures. Drop the resolution down to 320x240, brutalize the textures down to size as well, and it would look HORRIBLE.

PSN ID: Kwaad

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