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There is a national contest underwat by Sony, here is the details. Let's get crackin.
Posted by Mark Valledor // Marketing Manager, SCEA
As you might have heard or read, the Anniversary of the launch of the PlayStation 3 just passed! To celebrate we are re-kicking off our LittleBigChallenges with an official in-game prize…a super cool download for LBC winners…

A download so rare, that it can only be won or earned through LittleBigChallenges…..The LittleBigPlanet Prize Crown.

(Cue…ooooo’s and ahhhh’s.)

Now finally LBP fans (in the US) get a chance to put their creative and game design skills to compete for the Prize Crown with our next LittleBigChallenge: Happy Birthday PS3! We are challenging you to create an original LittleBigPlanet level celebrating the PLAYSTATION 3 second anniversary. This is how it works-

1. Create an original LittleBigPlanet level celebrating the PLAYSTATION 3 second anniversary.

2. You must name your Level using this format. “LBC1 -< YourLevelNameHere >”.

3. Publish your Level to the LittleBigPlanet online server at any time up until 11:59am PST December 9, 2008 when the contest closes.

4. Send an e-mail submission to and indicate your level name (LBC1 - < YourLevelNameHere >) in the subject line. Include your PlayStation Network ID along with the name of your Level in your e-mail submission.

Once this is done, your Level will be judged by the LittleBigPlanet Community. Community members will be able to vote on multiple Levels by adding a “Heart” to each one they like. They may only add one Heart to any particular Level. The top five qualifying Levels with the most hearts that
meet the entry requirements as stated in the official rules will be selected as the winners.

So start creating your level today! Good luck to all of you. You might be one of the talented few to sport a LBP Prize Crown online!

Please go the LittleBigPlanet News Site for all the Challenge details and official rules and be sure to publicize and promote your level by creating a Workshop and letting the community know about your level on our Forums.

Check back on 12/11 when we announce the winners. Good Luck…and we look forward to playing your levels.