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Why are you taking an average console userbase? If you are using the total 2008 game sales, you have to use the total 2008 console sales:

Using your game figures:

Ps3: 52.9M
X360: 72M

And the 2008 console sales:
PS3: 7,976,128
X360: 6,835,100

So the average games per console sold for 2008:
PS3: 6.6
X360: 10.5

Now obviously that shows a bit skewed since the 360 has a larger user base, so we'd have to use lifetime sales of both games and consoles and the new average games per console sold is:
PS3: ~5.4
X360: ~8.1

And since each new multi-plat game sells better on the 360 than the PS3 and a plethora of exclusives coming for each in 2009 (of which 360 exclusives sell better than PS3 exclusives as seen from the past), I find that this ratio gap will not be closing anytime soon.