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Tyrannical said:

So, Obama not a US citizen lawsuit picking up some steam.


Former minor Presedential Candadite Alan Keyes (who is also black) is suing in California to have him disqualified there. Keyes as he ran for President has legal standing to pursue this, unlike some other law suits that were dismissed due to lack of standing.

Among the various allegations......

Obama was born in Kenya, and his mother flew back to Hawaii a few days later and regsitered him as an at home birth. His deceased mother's passport records are being sought to show this. Keep in mind pregnant woman are banned from flying during their last trimester. The birth certfificate Obama has released is only the short form lacking the hospitol and delivering doctors signature. Keyes is seeking the long form birth certificate.

Normaly a child has automatic US citizenship if one parent is a US citizen and the child is born in a foreign country. But under the law at the time, the American parent must be a minimum of 19 years old. Obama's mother was only 18.

Obama's mother remarried an Indonesian and moved there with Obama. Obama's step father adopted him and naturilzed him as an Indonesian citizen. Obama lost his US citizenship (if he ever had it) at this time. Indonesia did not allow dual citizenship at the time.

Obama did not swear an alleigence to the US when he turned 18 (I think he had until he turned 21) to regain his US citizenship, assuming he ever had it.

He used an Indonesian passport when he was in his early 20's to visit Pakistan. Evidence he retained his Indonesian citizenship after turning 18.

Isn't that what Gov. Palin did when she had her kid? She flew back to Alaska from Texas to have the kid in an Alaskan hospital, right? She said she was perfectly fine with it...


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