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I got up earlier than usual for work today so I could come down and download NXE. I also planned on getting on the forums and seeing what everyone thought and/or see if there has been any bricking or anything. (a la Sony's big update a few months ago.)

From the brief time I just spent with NXE, I like it fine. I could have stayed with the old interface too, doesn't matter that much to me. But I am interested in all the things they're going to do with the avatars, and I may just finally subscribe to Netflix now that I have the capability to stream them in. Anyone know if there will be HD Netflix movies?

The only thing I didn't like so far was that it took me five minutes to figure out how to shut my console down. They moved it to a different place and I couldn't find it for awhile. But that's a minor complaint. So far I'm generally impressed with the look and feel of NXE. It's kind of like having a new Xbox.