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Microsoft Discussion - Irony - View Post

Shadowblind said:

So, NXE is tommorow, and I'm looking forward to it. Oh, and Left 4 Dead, one of my most anticipated games of the year, I planned on getting tommorow. Add to that Thanksgiving break is coming up, so I'll have a lot of time to play on my new NXE. Oh, its gonna be awesome.

Oh wait, there appear to be 3 flashing red lights coming from my Xbox. Theres no way, I just turned it in for repair less then a month ago...oh god. Why today? Why Now?! WHY FOR THE THIRD DAMN TIME?!

Way to go Micro$oft.  Just wanted 1 more day Micro$oft. One more. You just f***ed one of your most faithful followers.


So then, to prevent me from getting banned on top of things, I'll turn this into a discussion topic. Whats the worst time your 360 has RRoD on you. 

Since you have nothing to lose, Can you try holding one hand against the left side of the console, tap firmly (with finger, fingernail or even hand) the right side several times. Turn it on and see if you still get the red lights...